Wednesday, June 30, 2010


In today's world of software engineering, the link between the end user and the program itself is no longer limited to graphical interface. Computer interaction is not just about the users, now it is about interaction between machine, man, and other peripheral devices, like portable media players, game gadgets, mobile storage media, office equipment, photocopiers, printers, and other computers. This convergence has lead to the coining of the term UI or user interface. Software applications that interact with these devices are subject for quality testing. Technically, software developers call this process UI test automation.
UI test automation can be a standalone testing activity or can be part of an overall software test. Independent or not, the goal of implementing a user interface is basically the same with other quality control activities - that is to check the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of the interface. Software developers put so much effort into the user interface design of a program. The interface is the only communication channel for the program and the user. Without the interface, it will be impossible for the user to command the program and for the program to execute a certain action. Imagine a program where there are no text boxes, buttons, scrollbars, or menus.
The user interface of a program has two major categories: input and output. Input tools allow users to enter data into the program and provide the means to operate the system. Output tools, on the other hand, enable the program to generate the results of the user manipulation. Test tools play a great role in checking the efficiency of the input and output tools. Test tools must determine the performance of the system in terms of executing the input of the user and producing output accordingly.
In addition, test tools work depending on the type of interface of the program. Clients and developers, therefore, should consider the UI type before implementing testing automation. Generally, user interface types have three classifications: the common interfaces, non-desktop computing interfaces, and non-traditional UIs. Under the common UI, interface test tools may cater to the GUI or graphical user interface and WUI or web based user interfaces. GUIs are the most popular form of user interface, which requires only the use of the mouse and the keyboard for input and output generation. WUIs are present in web applications and pages where the common tool in use is the web browser.
Non-desktop computing UIs are simply what the name implies. It refers to user interfaces of computer programs found in non-office environments, like factories, constructions sites, or medical facilities. Under this classification are command line interfaces, tactile interface, and touch interface.
Interface testing tools for non-traditional user interfaces are also very specific. It can cater to attentive UIs, batch interfaces, conversational interface agents, crossing-based interface, gesture interfaces, intelligent user interfaces, live user interface, multi-screen interfaces, non-command user interfaces, object-oriented user interface, reflexive user interfaces, tangible user interfaces, text user interfaces, voice user interfaces, natural language interfaces, zero input interfaces, and zooming user interfaces.
Interface test automation can be as complex as general system test automation. The fact that testing tools put every input and output interfaces to the test suggests that testing user interface is a multi-task. However, the promise of automation is a big relief already. To teach more on this topic please visit or to download free to this software go to

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